How Do You Vision Yourself?

How Do You Vision Yourself?

When it comes to the subject of envisioning yourself, I like to use what’s called a vision board. In 1938 author Napoleon Hill wrote in his book Think and Grow Rich about the power of the visioning process, meditation, and prayer. This book is the number one selling a business book of all time. It is the ultimate “what they don’t want you to know” book. I’m not as religious as I should be at this time but I do believe in a higher power and the fact that there is a plan for everyone if they are willing to focus on their own personal journey to success. This is where the vision board comes in.

Creating a vision board is simple. You will need a white foam board; a computer, markers, a printer; some skill with graphics (if you don’t that’s fine just cut out photos from whatever old publications you have); and, of course, some space to display your completed vision board on the wall. You can create a normal 8.5×11 printer paper size Vision board using Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Paint, Google Presentations or Adobe Photoshop if you can afford it. We will talk more about Google products and how they work in later chapters.

(Basic Vision Board) How to Make A Vision Board.

(Basic Vision Board) How to make a vision board.

(Box 1) How to make a vision board.

(Box 1) How to make a vision board.

The first box should display the amount of money you desire. You can’t hurt anyone by putting a large number like a million or more. Remember that’s chump change for real estate developers, restaurant chain owners, and some entrepreneurs.

(Box 2) How to make a vision board.

(Box 2) How to make a vision board.

Box two is where you write about what you want and how you would like your plan to turn out.  Just write your dreams and wishes.

(Box 3) How to make a vision board.

(Box 3) How to make a vision board.

Box three is where you write how you think it’s going to work out. Try to put some details but nothing elaborate. Maybe some simple steps on how you think it will turn out.

(Box 4) How to make a vision board.

(Box 4) How to make a vision board.

Box four represents how you see yourself or how you want to see yourself. Two years ago, I Photoshopped my head onto the body of Dwayne Johnson (The Rock). Although people laughed at me then, they are not laughing now.

In my opinion, I believe box four is the most important box of the five that are displayed on the Vision Board. Your health comes first. A healthy lifestyle will help you cope with stress and any injury. When I got into a car accident, March of 2011, the doctors told me if I had not been in good shape I would have died. I recall a police officer coming to speak with me soon after the accident. He mentioned that he thought I was dead and he shook my hand. He then came to the hospital just to shake my hand check on me. He told me that I must have an angel looking out for me. I can’t imagine having had an extra 60 or 70lbs on while dragging myself through the mud and ice to my car for shelter that night.  The pain would have been ten times worse. So envision a healthier you and I guarantee it will have a positive effect on you.


(Rashad Glover at 225 lbs January 2011)

(Rashad Glover at 310 lbs January 2011 “Man Boobs”)

(I was not happy with myself.)

(I was not happy with myself. )

I then decided enough was enough I got myself the best trainer I could find. I soon joined the local gym and started to see results. I didn’t just do it for the looks. Losing weight helps out with more than just your appearance; it also helps with your stress and blood pressure. Just before I joined the gym my doctor told me my blood pressure was extremely high and that I was going have a heart attack soon if I didn’t do anything about it.

                This scared the crap out of me. I recently helped a friend of mine out by designing some headstone for his company. I remembered seeing guys in their 20’s and 30’s who had died from preventable health issues.

In my opinion, I believe box four is the most important box of the five that are displayed on the Vision Board. Your health comes first. A healthy lifestyle will help you cope with stress and any injury. When I got into a car accident, March of 2011, the doctors told me if I had not been in good shape I would have died. I recall a police officer coming to speak with me soon after the accident. He mentioned that he thought I was dead and he shook my hand. He then came to the hospital just to shake my hand check on me. He told me that I must have an angel looking out for me. I can’t imagine having had an extra 60 or 70lbs on while dragging myself through the mud and ice to my car for shelter that night.  The pain would have been ten times worse. So envision a healthier you and I guarantee it will have a positive effect on you.

(Rashad Glover at 225 lbs January 2011)

(Rashad Glover at 225 lbs January 2011)


Me joking around with my family in the living room)

Me joking around with my family in the living room)

(Me joking around with my family in the living room)

(Box 5) How to make a vision board.

(Box 5) How to make a vision board.

Box five is the area set aside for giving back to the community. Author Napoleon Hill states that you can’t receive anything worthwhile if you’re not going to give anything back. Teaching  free classes helped me network with people in my neighborhood and city. I eventually got a job because I donated my time. I showed my future boss what I was made of.